Friends. Old and New

Good evening folks!

Sometimes a little prayer can work.  As I was making plans for the day this morning, I received a call from an apartment broker that had some apartments for me too view.  I made plans to see the apartments tomorrow.  *fingers crossed*  I also made a call about a Craigslist apartment I found and have an appointment to view it tomorrow.  Hopefully I can win them over with my charm and wit and they won’t notice that I do not have a job yet.  I can provide them with first and last months rent and a security deposit.  Cross your fingers, say a prayer, light a candle that these meetings can lead to an eventual home for me and my stuff.

A friend was having a small get together downtown to celebrate her birthday.  We both went to undergrad together at UofA and hadn’t seen each other in years.  Except on Facebook.  We caught up and made plans to see each other later in the week.

As I left the get together, I walked up to Rockefeller Center to see a very lit up tree and up to Columbus Circle to see some more lights.  I took pictures.

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Happy Holidays!



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